Learn Basic Linux Commands!
Whenever you are a newbie to Linux, especially a Windows user, become afraid and discouraged about how to cope up with the Linux commands. Trust me, it’s not that tough. I had the same feeling when I started to practice on Linux. The truth is, the more I surfed, the more I started to like the commands. So, what should we know as a beginner on a Linux shell? Ok, let’s see.

- First of all, we are in the home directory, when we open the shell, right? So how can we check the path of a directory? It’s easy!
Now let's dive into more!
2. To navigate through the Linux files and directories, use:
cd <directory_path>
It works with both the absolute path or the name of the directory in a folder.
e.g. cd home/ubuntu/newbie will take you to the newbie folder.
Some more work to do with cd:
cd .. [move to the parent directory]
cd ~ [go straight to the root of ubuntu]
3. To view the contents of the current directory:
To view the contents of another directory, simply type:
ls <dir_path>
Some more to do with ls:
ls -R [list all the files in the sub-directories too]
ls -a [show the hidden files]
ls -al [list the files and directories with detailed information like the permissions, size, owner, etc.]
4. To copy files from the current directory to a different directory:
cp <filepath> <destination_path>
Use mv instead of cv and you will end up moving the file. Also to rename files:
mv <oldname.ext> <newname.ext>
5. To make a new directory :
mkdir <directory_name>
To delete an “empty” directory:
rmdir <directory_name>
Use rm instead to delete anything.
6. To create a blank new file:
touch <file_name>
7. To edit files:
nano <filename>
I will write more on this in the next parts of this seris. Till then, practice them. Tada!